Alright then, is me again, Ken Ny the crapper in this blog. What is a crapper does? Before I answer this, what is a blogger does? Blogs. What is manager does? Manages. What is a teacher does? Teaches. So what is a crapper does? Craps. Tell you guys what, I am crapping, so if you do not wish to waste your time again like previous post, do not read! Nyek nyek, I just want to bring this blog alive. Nyek nyek nyek...
Well, I am doing fine right now if you ask. I am doing few jobs, yes you heard me, a FEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWW jobs. I am being as a guitar teacher, as a salesman, as a driver, as a song copier, as a student (still a job isn't it? If not what did you fill in the 'job blank' in a form?), and as a house keeper (so far).
See? Geng right me? I got a FEEEEEEEEEWW jobs in this god-damn-long-holiday. So what is my paid? I am not going to tell ya!!!
So because of these FEEEEEEEWW jobs, I am not free the whole week (but at the night ok la, no problem hanging out at night). So erm... please don't be surprise when I say 'NO' if you are asking me to go out. The reasons are all stated here ah, blame yourself never visit this blog!!! (But if my girlfriend.... er i mean er... girl *space bar* friend asking me to go out.... I will reconsider about it, hehehehe... )
Oh well... nothing much to crap, maybe a little bit too tired today some more is already 2230!! OMFG, I still haven't start to work on works!!! ^%$#@!#$%^&^%$#@!@#$%
Alright la, do not wish to waste your time (to whom has read until here). I will stop here *full stop*.
Alright alright, maybe one more sentence please?
*no, full-stopped already you bitch*
One more only la, I am begging you...
*hmm... one roti telur bawang??*
Sigh... Alright...
*Ok, you gotta give me three roti telur bawang for extra three more sentence after the 'full stop'*
*Four roti telur bawang*
Fine... this is the last sentence, what you call a Happy Burger in BM??
It is called BERGEMBIRA (Ber Gem Bi Ra).
Shit you la
................. -_-"""